Sustainable Product - Hankook Tire ESG| Hankook Tire Global go to main prd

Sustainable Product

To minimize the impact on the environment, we make eco-friendly products through innovative R&D.

Sustainable Materials

Developing sustainable tire raw material discovery and application technology to use it in tire manufacturing

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    Renewable Material

    • Using the bio-based resource that can be continuously replenished to conserve resources and minimize the use of fossil-based raw materials
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    Recycled Material

    • Replacing raw materials by reprocessing discarded materials, such as obtaining recycled rubber or reinforcement by reprocessing waste tires
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    Eco Certification

    • Managing the supply chain and manufacturing process of sustainable raw materials and expand their use through global eco-friendly international certification (e.g. ISCC PLUS)
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    • Reducing resource consumption by using raw materials with a low carbon footprint, such as using renewable energy during manufacturing, or by making tires lighter

Percentage of sustainable raw materials used

We plan to increase the percentage of sustainable raw materials used to 100% by 2050.

  • 25.2 % 2018

  • 26.1 % 2020

  • 28.1 % 2022

100 % 2050

Sustainable Technology Development

We are developing and applying technologies to reduce environmental impact throughout the entire product life cycle, from raw material acquisition to disposal.

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    Introducing eco-design

    Evaluate/improve the environmental impact in advance at the product design stage using the life cycle evaluation and reflect them in the design

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    Reducing environmental impact at the manufacturing stage

    Minimize and treat pollutants generated during the product manufacturing process

  • Tire rolling resistance and weight optimization

    Improve the vehicle energy efficiency

  • Waste tire management

    Expand the tire reuse and recycle the discarded tires