Performance tyre chosen by premium car makers
Human Rights Statement
Hankook Tire Human Rights Policy
Hankook Tire & Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Hankook Tire”) recognises the significance of human rights as a universal value of humankind. Moreover, we acknowledge that value can be realised through business activities. With such acknowledgement, Hankook Tire will respect and protect the rights of all workers, including contract, migrant and temporary workers as well as the stakeholders associated with its operations, products and services.
In order to fulfil the responsibility to respect human rights, Hankook Tire shall support and endeavour to observe the principles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the UN Global Compact and the International Labour Organization Declaration of Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
Hankook Tire shall also support the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and implement a human rights management system which includes assessments, taking appropriate action and tracking responses, internal and external communications and operation of grievance mechanisms and remediation procedures.
Hankook Tire, as an enterprise that is dedicated to fulfilling its social responsibilities and pursuing the happiness of all workers and stakeholders, shall comply with the laws of each country where it operates under all circumstances and by protecting and respecting human rights, it will also contribute to the healthy development of society.
Hankook Tire Human Rights Principles
1. Prohibition of Forced Labour
Hankook Tire shall not use or get involved in any kind of forced labour through physical or mental suppression of the freedom of any person, including bonded labour, slavery or human trafficking.
2. Prohibition of Child Labour
Hankook Tire shall comply with the minimum employment age regulations of each country where it operates and shall not designate takes with safety and health hazards to individuals under the age of 18.
3. Prohibition of Discrimination
Hankook Tire shall not discriminate regarding hiring, compensation or promotion on the basis of race, age, gender, nationality, disability, religion, pregnancy, unionisation, marital status, social status or sexual orientation.
4. Gender Equality Achievement
Hankook Tire shall ensure all women’s full and effective social participation, equal opportunities for leadership and equal remuneration for work of equal value.
5. Guarantee of Freedom of Association
Hankook Tire shall offer opportunities for communication between the company and its workers, guarantee the freedom of association and not retaliate for unionisation activities of its workers.
6. Decent Wage Payment and Stabilisation of Livelihood
Hankook Tire shall contribute to the stabilisation of the livelihood of its workers by complying with the minimum wage, overtime, social insurance and employee rest and leave regulations of each country where it operates, and shall support a decent living wage.
7. Working Hours
Hankook Tire shall comply with the national legal working time regulations of each country where it operates as a minimum requirement in terms of regular, overtime and holiday work.
8. Health and Safety
Hankook Tire shall establish a safe, clean work environment for all workers and protect its workers against various harmful substances.